Meditation in the Past 《今粵懷古》

  • Guangdong, Guangzhou area, also known as Southern Guangdong. Southern Guangdong culture is pragmatic, open, compatible and innovative, which can be reflected in the local Nanyang style arcade, archway, flower boat and downtown temples. I was born and raised in Guangzhou, and my love for my hometown makes me create on its topic. The painting is not a fixed image at a certain moment in the era, but combined with Guangdong and Southeast Asia around the Nanyang architectural characteristics and a comprehensive feeling of reviewing the changes in my hometown. When the brush and ink dance on the paper, I feel like leisurely walking in the streets of my hometown. I hope you can also feel the endless fun.


  • 2017

  • Chinese colour on paper (2100 x 600mm)

    國畫 紙本 尺寸 2100 x 600mm


Queensland Chinese zodiac commemorative birth certificates


Christian Dior Collaboration